Just click on the name in the long list, read their blog, then click on the comments and there you are. You can post right then. It is great seeing you and Mary at the gym. You are both working hard and looking great!
My name is Kendra Coral. I am the wife of Edgard Coral and the mother of 5 kids. I am a "stay at home-run kids everywhere" mom. I love to sew and teach sewing classes for adults and have recently taken up swimming after a 20 year break. I will be 40 at the end of the challange and I want to start my 40s with a healthier outlook and less risk of heart disease. I don't want to be one more in a long line of strokes, bi-passes and heart attacks. I want to have many more years with my family.
Just click on the name in the long list, read their blog, then click on the comments and there you are. You can post right then. It is great seeing you and Mary at the gym. You are both working hard and looking great!