Monday, February 22, 2010

heart challenge

I did two workouts today. The evening one was a zumba class that my sister teaches. Somehow I got pushed to the front of the cleass. Ha I am sure that I was the sight...However since there were lots of other newcomers I was not the only non graceful participant.
I was happy to report a five pound weight loss for my first Monday report. That was my math lesson for the week. A negative plus a positive equals a negative if the first negative is minus sugar and the positive is plus exercise. Reverse those and I would get a positive I am sure. Good luck to everyone else this week.


  1. Could you explain what zumba is. I've never heard of it before. I just bet you'll be at the head of the class every time. ;-)

  2. Good job on everything!!
    Hope you continue to have success!!!
